Our summer was filled with lots of time outside soaking up every minute of those long, sunny days.
Everett loved playing in the sprinkler, as did Saber; not sure who had more fun! We still spend about an hour at the park walking the trails and exploring nature. It’s so much fun watching him discover things and fall in love with them. Light poles, for example, are his current favorite thing! “Big, tall light poles!” Oh, and he is still very much infatuated with bridges!
Another thing Everett loves to do is run through the sunshine! Obviously he’s my child, right?! My sweet boy, always looking for the light.
I know this is an abundance of photos but, dangit, he’s just so stinkin’ cute, right?! I love his little shorts and sandals. It’s so very hard to comprehend the fact that he’ll be two in a few more weeks!
Stay tuned for another overload of photos from our beach vacation. ;)